Dear Woodside Ladies,
Just a friendly reminder that we will enjoy a Christmas-themed gathering and rich fellowship at our next
Ladies Night Out, Friday, Dec 9th, 7:00pm!!
For those ladies interested in writing and praying for a missionary, we will have beautiful notecards and
a sample letter that you are welcome to use when writing. CMML has provided names of select
refocused missionaries, from the 2022 Missionary Prayer Handbook, to whom we can write.
We will also be making adorable, stacked Christmas ornaments out of buttons! You can hang these on
your Christmas tree or attach them to a gift bag for Christmas.
Our evening will be spent writing, making ornaments and……sharing our homemade Christmas cookies!
Anyone interested in participating in a mini-cookie exchange is welcome to make 2 dozen of their
favorite Christmas cookies to share during our time together. Not to worry, if baking is not your
specialty, feel free to bring a sweet treat to share. Hot chocolate and Christmas music will be provided.
Cheers and Merry Christmas!
Cheri and Margaret